Lege Artis Publishing House is the winner of the Annual Prize of the Bulgarian Book Association for the best edition of 2000. Every year its books are nominated for the same prize. It also won “Christo Danov” National Prize for design, given by the Ministry of Culture and the National Book Centre of 2001. In 2007 Lege Artis’ books were nominated in 3 categories.
Lege Artis Publishing House was founded in September 1999, with a location in Pleven, Bulgaria. It is humanities-orientated – towards the fields of psychology, psychoanalysis, philosophy, fiction, and auto/biographical prose, but its publishing policy is wide-open. We publish 10-13 books per a year.
Lege Artis’ various teams put forth or is preparing such wonderful editions of books by (and about) authors as Boris Vian, Georges Perec, Pierre Bourgeade, Daniel Pennac, Pascal Quignard, R. Gary, E.-E. Schmitt, Irene Nemirovsky, Andrei Makine, Eugene Ionesco, Michele Lesbre, Leila Slimani (France), M. Frisch , C. G. Jung, Jolande Jacobi, Aniela Jaffe (Switzerland), Victor Frankl, Robert Menasse (Austria), Maggy Antony (UK), Thimoty Findley, Robertson Davies, H. Ellenberger (Canada), Adriaan van Dis, J.-F. C. Van Delden, Max Velthuijis (The Netherlands), E. Drewermann, Martisn Guelich, (Germany), Erel Shalit (Israel), Elias Canetti, Neda Antonova, Momchil Nikolov, etc.
Lege Artis is in good cooperation with world-known publishers as Suhrkamp, Gallimard, Pauvert, Hanser, Taylor & Francis Group, Albin Michel, Herder, Ankh-Hermes, Leopold, Querido, Andersen Press, Augustus, dtv, Patmos, Franz Deuticke, Schoeffling & Co., McClelland&Stewart, Inner City Books, Denoel, Seuil, Beltz, Basic Books, etc.
Lege Artis regularly takes part with a separate bookstall at the Spring National and International Book Fairs in Sofia and Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany.